Thursday, November 22, 2012



Happy Thursday! :) nothing much to say just want to shared something i found n read.. we can keep it for our future ahead as for me im not married yet..but its not wrong to have some knowledge about it aite ^^

Marriage is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. Its not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Be gentle, be romantic, show attention, show affection, kiss, touch, ..., 
to be a Muslim doesn't mean that you are not a human with all needs and feelings... ;)

My Sister's......

Find a Husband who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of everyone, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you as a wife ...The one who turns everyone and says, 'that's my only love...'

and who always always love you for the sake of ALLAH

The day you marry your wife, is the day Allah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your fear Allah in regards to your duties as a husband

O dear sister, When you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. your husband becomes your family,your maintainer 
and protector, the father of children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth.....fear Allah in regards to how you treat him.

Marriage in Islam completes half of your Deen. Do not be swayed by good looks or money as these will come and go. Marry a man who Truly fears and loves Allah. Who puts Islam 1st before anything Learn and walk in Deen together Go in a marriage with the purpose in getting closer to Allah and InshaAllah it will be a blessed marriage InshaAllah :)

REMEMBER brothers and sisters! 

  • Dear brothers, you can never get the perfect wife you have always dreamed of
  • Dear sisters, forget about the perfect husband you have always dreamed of
  • Dear brothers and sisters, 
    Overlook the shortcomings of your spouse and fulfill your duties as an "ideal Muslim husband and wife".
It is not about perfect person, but about who makes your life perfect.....


When you put your hope for love, praise, success, happiness, and recognition in the people, you will walk away disappointed with a broken heart. It is only when you put this hope in Allah will your heart and soul find peace, relief, and pleasure. Indeed Allah speaks the truth in the Quran: "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)"

Lots of love,
zierahanie :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kelebihan seorang KIDAL! check it out! ;)

Assalamualaikum.. Selamat malam cikgu ! Haha.. Tetiba je meniru gaya ketua kelas Upin dan Ipin. Well well west.. Malam yang indah datang lagi.. Aktiviti aku hari ni teman abg kesayangan yg demam sorang tu makan... tapi xpe sanggup! sbab xperlu keluarkan duit sendiri..hihi.. okeyh berbalik kepada tajuk...Erm entri ni tentang kelebihan seorang kidal. Mesti ada punya di antara korang yang dok terpacak depan skrin tu yang kidal kan.. Ecehhh.. Aku pon salah seorang dari itu woo.. Ya.. Aku seorang yang kidal dan aku amat berbangga menjadi seorang yang kidal. Sebab.. Kidal itu menawan serta cute.. Complete set tuh.. Haha.. =p

Bila bercakap tentang kelebihan kidal ni kan ada beberapa perkara yang aku suka sangat tentang menjadi kidal.. iaitu..

  • Secara kajian umum, golongan kidal ni lebih pandai, lebih teror dan lebih kacak or cun berbanding golongan kanan. Ni bukan aku yang cakap okeh, tapi kajian dah dibuat. So.. Aku terasa ada betulnya kot.. Hehe.. lolololll =pp

  • Golongan kidal jugak lebih sesuai dijadikan calon isteri / suami . Sebab? Berdasarkan kajian yang aku pernah terbaca, golongan ni akan sedaya upaya mempertahankan hubungan dan menjaga hubungan itu sekuat kuatnya.. Kira macam calon suami / isteri mithali gitu.. Haaa.. Ada betulnya gak tu.. klu di tolak tambah campur darab dan bahagi dah LAPAN tahun tu ==> aku knal dia... Hehe.. kira record gak la kan (tapi tu plus ngan waktu berehat kami..=p)

  • Romantik? Member aku yang sama kidal dengan aku pernah cakap " kita beruntung kidal, sebab kita lebih romantik dari golongan bertangan kanan.. " . Errr.. Aku tatau nak sokong ke tak, tapi kalau ditengok member aku tu serius dia tu romantik ! Haha..  Aku? Tak kot.. lalala.. 

  • Berdasarkan kajian yang aku baca jugak, jika suami isteri tu dua dua kidal, peratus anak dia pon akan kidal jugak agak tinggi . Dan boleh dikatakan pasangan dua dua kidal amat jarang ditemui didunia.  Hoho... Kira macam "rare" woo.. Cool 

  • Golongan kidal jugak sangat la kreatif.. Ni bukan aku cakap ye.. ni berdasarkan kajian yang aku baca.. Tapi ada betul nya gak, beberapa designer hebat yang aku kenal, memang kidal ! =)

  • Golongan kidal ni dikatakan amat rapat  dan amat pentingkan family ! Err.. Yang ni aku sokong ! Haha..

Well.. Menjadi seorang yang kidal amat lah unik okeh.. Walaupun kekadang orang cakap guna tangan kiri ni macam kotor. Sebab tangan tu guna basuh poopoo, tangan tu gak la guna untuk benda lain. Haha.. Dah nak buat camne? Dah sejak azali gitu. Tak leh ubah! So.. Pada yang kidal tu, berbangga lah ye.. Aku pun kidal jugak.. Aku bangga ! Hehe..

Lots of loves,