Friday, July 29, 2011

Tears...its not a waste but it has its own meaning ^_^


Happy Friday guys!

Pejam celik pejam celik dah hari jumaat...huhu...masa langsung tak menunggu kita mana2 yg lambat2, malas2 tu better wake up! Time doesnt wait for the slow rider man=p Ape aku merepek ni...ahahh okey sbenanye just nak ckp dah 3 minggu aku kat um...meaning another 3 weeks to pass through then Klang here i come!!! (haha..pura2 excited -_-'' )
Macam x kena je kan tajuk ngan ape yg aku bebel skang ni...huhu..sabar2 bawah ni baru nak smbung...masa aku beblog walking aku terjumpa dalam satu blog ni artikel yg aku rase sgt just nak share kat bawah ni =) hope will enjoy ur reading!

Aku pernah bertanya kepada Wanita...Mengapa Wanita Suka Menangis...dia menjawab "dia tidak mengerti???? Sikit2 menangis, dimarah sikit menangis, diberikan hadiah menangis, berlaku hal sedih menangis...Dan jawapan yang aku berikan ialah...Kamu tidak mengerti dan tidak akan pernah mengerti... dan sememangnya lelaki tidak akan memahami perkara ini kerna wanita itu sendiri tidak dapat memahami mengapa dia perlu menangis......

Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk tubuh yang ditampilkan, atau bagaimana dia menyisir rambutnya "Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, karena itulah pintu hatinya, tempat dimana cinta itu ada..."

Apabila ditinggalkan kekasihnya.....Wanita itu menangis kerna cintanya telah didusta. dia menangis kerna hati kekasihnya telah berubah...dia menangis kerna cintanya yang ikhlas telah dipermainkan....

Apabila suaminya dilanda musibah....Wanita itu menangis didalam hatinya. tidak didepan suaminya kerna hatinya pilu melihat kemurungan suami dan hatinya luka melihat suaminya perlu bekerja keras demi keluarga....

Apabila ibu dan ayahnya menyambut panggilan Ilahi..... Semua wanita akan mengalirkan air mata mereka. bukan sehari, bukan seminggu, bukan sebulan, malah bertahun lamanya... ibu dan ayah merupakan hubungan istimewa yang Allah ciptakan...

 Apabila dirinya di ijab dan kabul...Wanita itu menangis kerana dirinya akan meninggalkan ibu bapanya. Dia menangis kerana dirinya akan diserahkan kepada lelaki yang dicintainya. Dan masa depannya pula belum diketahuinya lagi...

Air mata wanita melambangkan perasaannya...apabila dia menangis, itulah perasaanya yang ikhlas tatkala itu..air mata tidak berbohong wahai kaum adam. Seorang wanita itu tidak akan menangis jika hatinya tidak terluka atau tersentuh akan sesuatu hal. Air mata akan berguguran seiring dengan perasaannya... Titisan air mata wanita itu melambangkan Keikhlasan, Kejujuran, K
esedihan, Kegembiraan, Kepasrahan, Ketakutan, Kecurangan, Pendustaan, Kepercayaan, Kesetiaan, Kekuatan, dan Kesucian....
Mengapa harus ada air mata???? Semua wanita memang menangis tanpa ada alasan yang munasabah...Setelah puas aku berfikir, sedikit demi sedikit mulai aku fahami, sebenarnya airmata wanita adalah AIR MATA KEHIDUPAN.....Air mata kekuatan, untuk melahirkan bayi dari rahimnya. Airmata kehangatan bagi bayi dalam dakapan lembutnya. Airmata yang peka dan kasih untuk mencintai dan merawat semua anak dan keluarga, dalam kaadaan apapun, dan dalam situasi bagaimanapun. Walau letih, walau sakit, walau lelah, tanpa mengeluh. Padahal tak jarang orang-orang yang dicintai itu menyakiti perasaan dan melukai hatinya.

Air mata ketabahan, atas kesedarhanaan hidup namun tak membuatnya terasing dalam pergaulan. Apalagi sampai mengurangi husnuzhannya terhadap Allah. Airmata ketegaran, saat rumah tangga melewati masa-masa pancaroba, atau hampir karam oleh badai cubaan. Seperti tangisan bahagia Khansa’ atas wafatnya suami dan tiga putera tercinta di medan jihad, syahid demi membela kekasih sejati: Muhammad SAW. Itulah airmata keperkasaan, pantang menyerah saat melalui masa-masa sulit. Kesusahan dan ujian itu membentuk kepribadian yang kuat dan teguh.

Air mata kesucian, sebagaimana tangisan Aisyah ra ketika dituduh berselingkuh oleh kaum munafik. Sehingga menimbulkan percakapan negatif dikalangan umat Islam bahkan Rasul pun hampir terpengaruh. Tapi Allah maha tahu. Airmata kesucian itu dikukuhkan kebenarannya oleh al-Qur’an.

Air mata yang bersumber dari mata air kehalusan perasaan ketika bersentuhan dengan hal-hal yang mengusik hati nurani. Tangisannya bukan karena kelemahan tapi menunjukkan betapa halus dan lembutnya perasaan yang ia miliki. Wanita berfikir dengan hati dan merasa dengan fikirannya....

Sesungguhnya...wanita dan air mata memang tidak dapat dipisahkan... tetapi wahai kaum hawa, menangislah utk perkara yg membawa kebaikan kepadamu. jgn lah menangis utk perkara yg akan menambahkan lagi kedukaanmu... menangislah jika rasa ingin menangis...walau seteguh mana pun jiwa mu itu, air mata tetap akan menjadi temanmu sama ada dihadapan sahabat, keluarga atau dibelakang mereka...air matamu pasti akn berguguran jua....

lots of loves

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Because You Loved Me

Happy weekend guys! ^_^

Hanging around at Mcd Kg Baru while waiting my one n only brother taking his exam..gud luck ajib! =) make ayah n emak proud of us =) Im bored...huhu...nothing to do just feel want to update my dearie blog. Gosh! u know yesterday was the happiest time i ever had with him...=)im so touched for what he did for me..came to kl just to meet me=) ouhh tq dear! LYSM! distance doesnt make us apart...cant wait for the next meeting>_< n this song goes for you...thanx being there in my life =)

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

p/s: btw tomorrow is 15 sya'ban..n its good
      to remembering each other  =)

lots of love,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

tips being a house officer (PART 1) by Dr Harlina Halizah Siraj


happy Thursday guys! =)

It was a very busy week for me n friends for this week n it will continue to be like this for the next few weeks before we are going to Klang next month. There are lots of thing that we have to learn before heading to Klang for our clinical posting. Also there are lots of new things that i have to make myself adapted to it.

Everything was new for me. First day of my 3rd year was very very stressful  for me but i dont know how about the others. I was very nervous when lecturers keep telling us that this will be the true beginning of our journey as a doctor in the future. This is the year that will decide are we all competent enough to be a good n safe doctor in the future.I feel lost for the moment because i dont have any guidance to go through my clinical year.

 But Alhamdulillah when i keep on reminding myself that this is the choice that i have chose in my life n i will keep on strong to face anything that going to happen in my life,it makes me a bit relief. I know i have many people surrounding me that will keep on supporting me. They make me keep on strong in my path. =) pray for me n my friends ^_^

Okay thats enough for the i want to share some tips from Dr Harlina Halizah Siraj that i think were very useful for me n friends as a future doctor =)

1. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS:  Keep your room in the HO quarter clean, tidy & cheerful! Hire a keeper if you could afford one.Throw away all the rotten left-overs. Buy an air-freshener & some flowers. Pull up the curtains, let the sunlight in. It's supposed to be a bedroom, not a cave!

2. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS:  Spend your salary wisely. Share your first paycheck with your loved ones. Pay up your debts / credit card bills. Recall your financial planning lessons. Avoid weekly shopping mall rounds. Window shop with your stomach full, you'll be able to control the cravings.

3.SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS:  Push the `pause' button, get out for some fresh air, watch the sunrise/sunset. Reflect & contemplate. Remember, you just a small part of a very complex design. Put your perspectives back on track. Inhale & exhale - be grateful to Allah for everything you have.

4. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Volunteer to help arranging the call roster.Experience the pain in accomodating all requests and dealing with unhappy colleagues who could not get their wishes. Best time to learn how to give & take here!

5. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Be friendly & mix around with everyone. Do not reserve your greetings only for the bosses & VIPs. Greet the staff nurses, PKs, cleaners, security guards, gardeners etc. Drink your coffee at the pantry. Stop being choosy & selective. Snobs are lonely people.

6. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Pray for your patients' well-being. Support their emotional & spiritual needs. Listen to their stories. Don't be afraid to be close to your patients. You will learn how to detach your emotions & rational thinking while looking after patients - so you'll remain objective and professional.Learn the balance to keep the ideal distance between you and the patients.

7. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Surprise those who look down upon you by exceeding their expectations. Impress those who think highly of you by exceeding their expectation too. Whatever it is, do your level best. Be brave to take up challenges, be humble enough to ask for assistance and be ready to receive feedback - Recipe for a satisfying career!

handsome looking doctor always 
screwed up my day =p hehe

8. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Do not allow self pity to consume you now. Never curse yourself. Regretting your life choice of becoming a medical doctor, feeling envious with those friends who are enjoying life, free to do whatever they like? Well, I bet they're envious of YOU too! Just hang on there, persevere & be strong.

9. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Admit your mistakes and try to redeem yourself. It takes a lot of courage, self-esteem and confidence to own up for your shortcomings. At the same time, do not boast around and inflate yourself. If you've really done good, let others acknowledge. You do not have to keep reminding others.

10. SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS :  Enhance your medical knowledge thru' revising textbooks/notes ( I hope you haven't sold all textbooks to the juniors in med school!). Get answers to questions ASAP. Experience medicine with accurate knowledge/information, not simply following orders like zombies -without critical thinking.

lots of love,
zierahanie =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

choices of my life ^^


Why am i choosing this thing rather than those thing??

Okay, here's what I tell myself, when myself asked me such question.
"You had a choice and your heart said UM(Malaysia). Back then, you weren't sure why.
As things get harder, life gets busier, studies gets more out of hand, you get more confused of why.
But look at you, you might not be what you are now, if you didn't choose UM.
You might not be who you are, if you chose to go for overseas few years back.
You might not be who you are now, if eight years ago you emotionally chose non-boarding school rather than boarding school like what many parents always wanted for the sake of their children.
Life is full of choices, you made your choice.
This might be a tougher path, but because you're able to do it, you chose those roads, this road.
Remember, Allah tak akan membebankan seseorang dengan apa yang tidak mampu dia tanggung.
You've made the right choice. There are things planned for you as you walk through this path.
You just have to be strong and search for it, don't waste the chance."

You know, it might be an easier path,
But maybe if that path was the path I chose,
I mean the easier one,
I learn less, I take life for granted.
I'm not saying that that path my friends are on is easier than the path that I'm on.
I'm sure they too are learning about life, just like me.
But I believe that this is the best path for me.
As long as I choose to do things right,
InsyaAllah, I'll be a better person.

Everyone have their own opinion.
Their own thoughts.
Sometimes their right, and I'm wrong.
But I'll stick with my believe in this case.
I'm here for many reasons,
I've found part of it,
And along the way,
I'll keep on searching.



my future

Till now,
Many choices that i’ve made =)
About my family,
About who will be my soul mate,
About how my future would be n etc.
But i don’t know is it the choices that i’ve made
were also the choices that He has planned for me
So I’ll keep on praying for the best ^^   

I believe He gave me the best. And I'm grateful.

lots of love,

Sunday, July 3, 2011



Look around. People are changing.
The quiet talks more now.
The short grew taller.
The kid now mature.
The child now a stranger.

PARENTS. They went through a lot just to raise us.
And naturally, knowing it or not, sometimes we make it harder.
We started off clinging on to them, very close.
We cried if they leave us or let us go.
Then we met our friends at school,
So we play more with friends than them.
We grow older and lock ourselves in our rooms,
or nowadays we block them from our facebook, privacy we say.
Then we went through love and breakups,
And we tell them not a single thing.
Leaving them clueless.
Then we wanted a driving license,
So we asked for their money to get one,
And when we've had it,
We drive anywhere we want, anytime,
Leaving home more often while our parents secretly pray,
Ohh please bring my child back home.

Keredhaan Allah terletak pada keredhaan ibu bapa,
Kemurkaan Allah terletak pada kemurkaan ibu bapa.
[Hadis Sahih]

Do we still remember them?
Or are we now sinking in the pleasures of the world,
Forgetting that there is one thing that's important.
Taat kepada ibu bapa, selagi perintah mereka berlandas syariat islam.
Jangan biarkan mereka bersedih kerana kita.

"Dan setiap umat mempunyai ajal dan batas waktu. 
Apabila ajalnya tiba, mereka tidak dapat meminta penangguhan 
atau percepatan sesaat pun."

Do we want to wait until it's too late?
For we know not when we will leave this world.

My ayah always say,
"Come back to basics,"
And for me, that means come back to where we come from;
Allah, our creator. And Family.=)
Ya Allah, please guide me.

Beruntungnya kita masih ada ibu bapa,
Sangat ruginya kalau kita lupa kewujudan mereka.
Minta dijauhi.

lots of love,