Saturday, July 14, 2012

It had been a year since...


Subhanallah.. time flies so fast :') it has been a year since i had left UM to stay in Klang.. but now it just only one day left before me n my friends have to go back to UM to continue our study there.. we will be taking our Final Phase IIIA Examination soon... yup very soon i really mean it...huhu... please do pray for us okay =) 

Through out one year, many things had happened to me... many things had changed :') i learnt to become wiser n stronger here...alone without family around..each day had to survived by myself with the support of friends..yup i succeed.. its a yeayyy for me.. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah :) and what my mother always told me " Adik dah besar.. adik boleh go trough semua ni.. ini la kehidupan sebenar sayang" and she will smile at me. She did give me some spirit to move on. After a very painful fall..yup its really painful and sometimes at that particular time i felt that i couldn't stand up back after that fall.. deep down kill me slowly.. at that time only Allah knows how it felt. 

First, the broken up things.. i know its Allah work not us..and i also didn't blame anyone in this matter because i know everyone has its own reason in making just that at that time i have to face it by myself and the people keep asking me the same question why n why n why and another thing to reorganized my life back to be single from takes takes many people to make me believed that it happens for a reason... Alhamdulillah now i regain my spirit back.. regain strength to do anything or going anywhere by myself rather than had to be dependent to other people especially during my couple time (i think i am too dependent to him at that time) Now i want to focus in my study and also to my family.. they said family dont have 'END' when everything those. One day InsyaAllah.. Allah will grant me with a very lovely husband that accept me who i am and will teach me anything that i do not know :) i belief in fates.

Secondly, i lost my grandmother :'( its realllyyyyyyyyy a sad thing for me T_T to loss the one that i love so much.. and to know that i am no longer able to see her anymore every time i come back to my hometown. I never think that she will leave me as early as this.. she never had chance to see me in my wedding dress and to be a special guest on my wedding day.. yup before this she always told me that she was very excited to see the one and only grandchild that she love the most in her wedding dress and to attend her wedding day.. But i know.. Allah is a very good planner.. Allah takes my grandma from us but He did relief my grandma's pain in which she had to bare for a very quite long time already.. she used to be the strongest woman i ever know who was good in hiding her own pain... and when im thinking about that.. it made me feel relief.. My grandma safe and happy up there.. InsyaAllah.. Amin ^^

I hope the sad things ends here and i belief Allah has planned a great thing for me ahead :) InsyaAllah.. Not to forget do pray for our safe journey going back to UM this Sunday.. Amin 

lots of loves,