Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fate & Destiny :)


" Kita tidak akan dikahwinkan dengan seseorang atas sebab jatuh 
cinta atau saling cinta mencintai kerana kita akan berkahwin
 dengan jodoh kita, jodoh yang Allah telah tetapkan sejak azali..."

lots of love,
zierahanie :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

there's always something to be grateful for :)


You can't always get what you want,
You get what you need.
Have faith, believe, that
He knows what is best for you.

We find it hard to see a silver lining,
We thought that what we wanted was the best He could give,
We must remember that often,
What we want,
Might not be good for us.

"...But perhaps you hate a thing
and it is good for you,
And perhaps you love a thing
and it is bad for you,
And Allah knows, while you know not."
"...Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu
padahal itu baik bagimu,
Dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu
padahal itu tidak baik bagimu,
Allah Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
Al Baqarah : 216

Because only by acceptance and gratefulness,
that we are able to move forward,
Allah will always help those who are grateful and who believe.

"What will Allah do with your punishment,
if you are grateful and believe?
And ever Allah Appreciative and Knowing."
"Allah tidak akan menyiksamu,
jika kamu bersyukur dan beriman.
Dan Allah Maha Mensyukuri, Maha Mengetahui.
An Nisa' : 147

That true happiness awaits those who believe.

"Allah extends provision for whom He wills and restricts it.
And they rejoice in the wordly life,
while the worldly life is not,
compared to the Hereafter,
except brief enjoyment"
"Allah melapangkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang Dia Kehendaki,
dan Membatasi (bagi sesiapa yang Dia Kehendaki).
Mereka bergembira dengan kehidupan dunia,
padahal dunia hanyalah kesenangan yang sedikit,
dibanding kehidupan akhirat."
Ar Ra'd : 26

And if you ever feel demoralized or sad,
Remember the purpose of life,
And you'll realize,
That whatever problem you are having is very small.
On top of it all,
Remember Allah.

"...Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah,
hearts are assured. "
"...Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah,
hati menjadi tenteram."
Ar Ra'd : 28

Whatever happened, happens, or will happen, in your life,
Good or bad, BE GRATEFUL.
There's a reason why Allah made it that way.
Search for that reason.

Because as long as you seek for truth,
As long as you have faith in Allah,
As long as you remember Him,
True happiness awaits you.
And the wait itself, is true happiness.

How many mornings have you seen since you were born?
Cant even remember rite :D


Allah has given us so much
so be grateful for what we have :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

we were matured...but still young! :)


Nevermind the picture. I’m digging kids these days  (if such a thing exists? lol =p) 

Lets do some girl talk. 

Do you find it freaky to go to a party or any function at all only to find a row of couples on one table? Dining together I mean. Nothing 18sx related. I guess it’s the age factor- well yes being twenty and all makes you kinda old (I never meant to say it). I still don’t feel that old. My level of maturity is still very much first base (bukan phrase ni untuk kegunaan relationship level ke hahaha). Anyhow, getting back on track.. yes, couple thing. So I realize girly times are less frequent of late; not without the opposite sex. People go in pairs to parties, dinner, oh you name it. Even at 21, it still takes a lot of getting used to, absorbing the fact that everyone is up to that stage where they walk hand in hand with their spouses, speak of sex, no more girly phone calls, not much to update on but their love stories and the list goes on. 

It’s part of life right? You love. Get hurt. Your heart breaks. You plaster the pain despite the fact that it lingers till you find the courage to really erase it from memory.. It’s a cycle. You grow old. You embrace new things. You meet people. You lose some. Steal people's boyfriendsdotdotdot. You move on. And then you meet new ones again. So the runningchasing and reversingcontinues. 

Right, so I don’t really know where I’m getting here. It’s just amazing how people find their partners so easily and bring them everywhere. In a few years time, marriage takes it toll. Now aint that freakiiiiier? Don’t you just wish time could stop? Rewind to the day when all a girl ever cared about was her daddy and lots of candies.. The day when I was a teenager and all that really mattered were girlfriends (ye ke? haha). 

I miss my girlfriends, a lot (not because we are too busy handling the XY chromosome to meet or anything like that), but just because.. ya know :) Most importantly I miss some ‘ME’ time although I spare most of my time with self shots taken lol. Okayla, I just can’t accept the fact that we’re all so besar already!! And we are getting besar-er (not sideways arr). 

So there goes.

#credit to my friends :) like her ideas bout this matter. some pictures . its gurly stuff =p

yes those pictures :) they celebrate my 21st in Kenny's.. that day was the RED DAY we are knowingly each other would wear in red..haha..its not because my birthday theme is red..its truely a red day theme for Kenny's itself. 

And this picture, we're celebrating my friend's birthday..and its not a surprise anymore because i guess she know why we asked her to go out with us that day =p but we ended with bloating stomach! O_o i ate a lot that day (excluded rice..bcoz im dieting rice starting now ;] ) 

Lastly these pictures, we're celebrating Chinese New Year in Klang Hospital :)

And thats was it about my life :)

lots of love,