Tuesday, September 27, 2011



happy Tuesday! =)


p/s: sometimes little scarifies make  
      the love even more stronger~
      InsyaAllah.. Ameen ^_^

lots of loves,
zierahanie =)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

its Love.Wedding.Friends =)


Good morning handsome n beauty =)

              It's Sunday guys! means its weekend=) come2 let have some fun! but maybe mine was yesterday..so today lets do some work +_+ huhu..had to minimize it..lots of work to be finished..but before that let spreads some love n joy in this blog >_< pictures tell hundred stories...let them sing the love song =)

cik2 driver! hehe 

wedding at anim's house (mayb we can called it gathering =p)

happy 4 friends!

 brides to be >_< hehe (tumpang pelamin org je la dulu =p)

next, izzah's open house =)

me n nazleen ^^


thx to mr camera man! =)

Once in awhile, 
Right in the middle of an ordinary life, 
Love gives us a fairy tale.

lots of loves,

Monday, September 12, 2011

baru perasan telah di plagiarism..huhu


happy Monday! =)

Aishh dah lame rasenye x update blog..huhu..x berape nak ade mase...tgh cuba meng 'adapt' kan diri di tempat baru...biase la tu kan...mule2 dtg tmpat org...smue rase x selesa =) but no worry...InsyaAllah i will make it..hee

ohh yaa..sbenanye nak ckp pasal bende len...mukadimah je la tu..hehe..tibe2 hati terasa nak tgk...then tup2 skali nampak ayat sendiri kat page kawan...huhu...aiyoo glamour den...hehe...mcm kirenye ayat saye tu jadi quotes of the day la...hehe...nak kate aku copy paste dr mane2 xde la pulak..huhu...aku kompem tu ayat aku sendiri...=)

Tapi yg aku rase kan cam ade salah paham cket di situ...mungkin org yg bace tu tesalah tafsir...aku x maksud kan pasal past history kami msg2...tapi past history kami bersama..emm camno eh eden nak toghang...maksudnye cite kami mase form 2...haa...snang aku ckp kisah cinta x jadi kami mase form 2...hehe=p

So aku xde niat pn nak hina sape2...ayat tu aku reka utk kami sendiri...bukan pasal org len...huhu..aishh fb ni kadang2 leh buat hidup org kacau bilau je lahh..mase tu kitorang ade prob cket...emm tapi mmg xde kene mengena langsung dgn org len...aku harap clear smunye disini =) x pnah langsung ade niat nak dendam ngan sape2 so klu rase2 ade terbaca kat fb aku tu bende yg emo2 cket..biase la..prmpn...stiap bulan ade waktu2 nye kan...heee...so rasenye prmpn mesti lg memahami hati prmpn kan..=)biase la jealous smue tu..tapi last2 cool la blk=p

Aku tau smue org dah move on...aku pn InsyaAllah harapnye berkekalan dan inilah yg terakhir=) Alhamdulillah dgn mak aku dah kenalkan si dy...ayah je x sempat nak jumpe aritu..tapi bak kate abg aku..klu mak dah on..ayah on je..hee...so tinggal nak amek ati je la =) tapi dy ckp ngan aku nak fokus dulu kat study n keje dy..mule2 ngamok gak la aku sbab aku x masok dlm list fokus dy...hehe..tapi last2 aku pk..smue ni utk mase dpn kami gak kan..so x kesah la ape2 pn...asal dua2 memahami...haaa bg prmpn2 kat luar tu jgn lak amek kesempatan atas kelembutan aku( heheh lembut ke=p) MR HOZEFA ZAMIER da berpunya ye walaupn ade dy claim yg dy x berpunye lg...gtau aku cpat2..gatal noh syg...hehee...n aku pn harap2 xde la doktor2 houseman yg cute mute tibe2 muncul depan aku...amin..heheh..=p doakan la kami hingga ke syurga ye..InsyaAllah..Amin =) *mood tibe2 x saba nak abeskan 3 thn * heee gatal !

sdg menunggu si dy..heheh..=p *raye ke-3*

p/s: ape2 tanye dulu kat tuan punye bdn ok 
      so xde la confuse sendiri nant =)

lots of loves,
zierahanie =)