Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keep healthy people ;)



Minum air dalam kadar yang cukup dapat menurunkan risiko serangan penyakit jantung. A six-year study published in the May 1, 2002 American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. 

Please!please n please love your own life. 
God has given us the opportunity and borrow us with healthy life,
people are the one who ruin itself.

lots of loves,
zierahanie :) 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Each n every disease can be cure, trust in Allah


*gambar hiasan* =p

Monday blues people! :) Tiba-tiba hari ni terfikir nak tulis pasal kesihatan sebab saya merupakan salah seorang medical student so rasa tanggungjawab tu tiba2 membuak-buak nak berkongsi pasal penyakit...hee..  *hiperbola di situ >_* Okay, firstly semua org telah ditanamkan dlm mindanya yg ubat setiap penyakit adalah dengan berjumpa doktor n makan ubat... NOOOO sgt la tidak betol ok.. walaupun saya seorang medical student and soon to be doctor, Insya Allah saya tidak akan sewenang-wenangnya memberitahu pesakit yg ubat adalah penawar kepada segala penyakit.. no i won't do that.. BUT i didn't say that you should stop from seeing doctor ( kalau camtu macam mana saya nak cari makan..hee *sambil garu kepala* ) Sebagai bukti dalam Al-Quran sendiri ada beritahu:

Firman Allah SWT,
" Dan Kami turunkan beransur-ansur dari Al-Quran Ayat-ayat Suci yang menjadi ubat penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman kepadanya; dan (sebaliknya) Al-Quran tidak menambahkan orang-orang yang zalim (disebabkan keingkaran mereka) melainkan kerugian jua. (Al-Israa' 17:82)
Daripada Jabir bin Abdullah dari Nabi s.a.w sabdanya:
“Tiap-tiap penyakit itu(ada) ubatnya. Apabila menepati ubat terhadap penyakit tersebut, maka sembuhlah dengan izin Allah”
(Riwayat Muslim dan Ahmad)
Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda yang maksudnya: “Bahawasanya Allah telah menurunkan penyakit dan ubat dan dijadikan kepada setiap penyakit ada ubatnya, berubatlah tetapi jangan berubat dengan benda-benda yang haram”.

So believe in Allah :) the most Powerful Creator.. He create every problems and His the One will provide the answer to each problem.

Thursday, November 22, 2012



Happy Thursday! :) nothing much to say just want to shared something i found n read.. we can keep it for our future ahead as for me im not married yet..but its not wrong to have some knowledge about it aite ^^

Marriage is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. Its not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Be gentle, be romantic, show attention, show affection, kiss, touch, ..., 
to be a Muslim doesn't mean that you are not a human with all needs and feelings... ;)

My Sister's......

Find a Husband who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of everyone, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you as a wife ...The one who turns everyone and says, 'that's my only love...'

and who always always love you for the sake of ALLAH

The day you marry your wife, is the day Allah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your children.......so fear Allah in regards to your duties as a husband

O dear sister, When you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. your husband becomes your family,your maintainer 
and protector, the father of children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth.....fear Allah in regards to how you treat him.

Marriage in Islam completes half of your Deen. Do not be swayed by good looks or money as these will come and go. Marry a man who Truly fears and loves Allah. Who puts Islam 1st before anything Learn and walk in Deen together Go in a marriage with the purpose in getting closer to Allah and InshaAllah it will be a blessed marriage InshaAllah :)

REMEMBER brothers and sisters! 

  • Dear brothers, you can never get the perfect wife you have always dreamed of
  • Dear sisters, forget about the perfect husband you have always dreamed of
  • Dear brothers and sisters, 
    Overlook the shortcomings of your spouse and fulfill your duties as an "ideal Muslim husband and wife".
It is not about perfect person, but about who makes your life perfect.....


When you put your hope for love, praise, success, happiness, and recognition in the people, you will walk away disappointed with a broken heart. It is only when you put this hope in Allah will your heart and soul find peace, relief, and pleasure. Indeed Allah speaks the truth in the Quran: "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)"

Lots of love,
zierahanie :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kelebihan seorang KIDAL! check it out! ;)

Assalamualaikum.. Selamat malam cikgu ! Haha.. Tetiba je meniru gaya ketua kelas Upin dan Ipin. Well well west.. Malam yang indah datang lagi.. Aktiviti aku hari ni teman abg kesayangan yg demam sorang tu makan... tapi xpe sanggup! sbab xperlu keluarkan duit sendiri..hihi.. okeyh berbalik kepada tajuk...Erm entri ni tentang kelebihan seorang kidal. Mesti ada punya di antara korang yang dok terpacak depan skrin tu yang kidal kan.. Ecehhh.. Aku pon salah seorang dari itu woo.. Ya.. Aku seorang yang kidal dan aku amat berbangga menjadi seorang yang kidal. Sebab.. Kidal itu menawan serta cute.. Complete set tuh.. Haha.. =p

Bila bercakap tentang kelebihan kidal ni kan ada beberapa perkara yang aku suka sangat tentang menjadi kidal.. iaitu..

  • Secara kajian umum, golongan kidal ni lebih pandai, lebih teror dan lebih kacak or cun berbanding golongan kanan. Ni bukan aku yang cakap okeh, tapi kajian dah dibuat. So.. Aku terasa ada betulnya kot.. Hehe.. lolololll =pp

  • Golongan kidal jugak lebih sesuai dijadikan calon isteri / suami . Sebab? Berdasarkan kajian yang aku pernah terbaca, golongan ni akan sedaya upaya mempertahankan hubungan dan menjaga hubungan itu sekuat kuatnya.. Kira macam calon suami / isteri mithali gitu.. Haaa.. Ada betulnya gak tu.. klu di tolak tambah campur darab dan bahagi dah LAPAN tahun tu ==> aku knal dia... Hehe.. kira record gak la kan (tapi tu plus ngan waktu berehat kami..=p)

  • Romantik? Member aku yang sama kidal dengan aku pernah cakap " kita beruntung kidal, sebab kita lebih romantik dari golongan bertangan kanan.. " . Errr.. Aku tatau nak sokong ke tak, tapi kalau ditengok member aku tu serius dia tu romantik ! Haha..  Aku? Tak kot.. lalala.. 

  • Berdasarkan kajian yang aku baca jugak, jika suami isteri tu dua dua kidal, peratus anak dia pon akan kidal jugak agak tinggi . Dan boleh dikatakan pasangan dua dua kidal amat jarang ditemui didunia.  Hoho... Kira macam "rare" woo.. Cool 

  • Golongan kidal jugak sangat la kreatif.. Ni bukan aku cakap ye.. ni berdasarkan kajian yang aku baca.. Tapi ada betul nya gak, beberapa designer hebat yang aku kenal, memang kidal ! =)

  • Golongan kidal ni dikatakan amat rapat  dan amat pentingkan family ! Err.. Yang ni aku sokong ! Haha..

Well.. Menjadi seorang yang kidal amat lah unik okeh.. Walaupun kekadang orang cakap guna tangan kiri ni macam kotor. Sebab tangan tu guna basuh poopoo, tangan tu gak la guna untuk benda lain. Haha.. Dah nak buat camne? Dah sejak azali gitu. Tak leh ubah! So.. Pada yang kidal tu, berbangga lah ye.. Aku pun kidal jugak.. Aku bangga ! Hehe..

Lots of loves,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reunion..where the story started all over again :)


Happy Monday everyone! :) wish i could hugs each n everyone that i love every morning when i wake up.. other than ALLAH the greatest creator of everything, i miss my mom.. i miss ayah.. i miss my late grandma n i miss everyone that i care n love so much.. tq Allah grant me with such a beautiful life now :) one year before u made me fall until i thought i couldn't even stand up back..but Alhamdulillah its myracles! I couldn't ask for more.. For the time being that's the only thing that i want.. You had given me so much that i need :') a very caring n loving parents, such a wonderful family, a very abundance great great friends n a very special man that used to have some portion in my heart before n InsyaAllah will be having that portion from now onwards till Jannah.. Amin ^^ N all was started after the Reunion ;)

its a gathering btwn me n him =p

lots of loves,
zierahanie :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fates... :)


bring us apart,
Fates do
bring us together AGAIN :)

with better hopes n wishes
that we could overcome any obstacles
in the future
also Hereafter together

2 yrs +++ :)
n still counting 
till Jannah 

wishing that we will grow old together :')

p/s: do pray for us :) insyaAllah with Allah wills soon ^^

lots of love,
zierahanie :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Muara Hati :-)

Cinta terpisah ruang waktu
Tetap cinta bersatu dalam hatiku
Walau raga kita tak mungkin bersama
Ku yakini hati kan tetap setia
Ku percaya kemana pun kau berjalan
Suara cinta menuntunmu kepadaku
Kerna bila cinta sudah bersemadi
Takkan terpisah hati
Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Ku yakin engkau untukku
Meski jejak pisahkan kita
Cinta kan bawa kembali padamu
Aku ada kerna kau ada
Dan cinta hatiku hanyalah untukmu
Jalanku tertuju padamu
Kemana pun kan pasti kembali
Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Biarkan aku merasuk
Bersatu dalam hatimu
Hanya dirimu dan aku
Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Biarkan aku merasuk (merasuk dalam hati)

Monday, September 24, 2012

hoping one day i'll be like this couple :')

lots of loves,



Dear heart-breaker,

        I had a lot of reasons to give up on you, but then i 
        choose to stay. Will you do the same for me? 


Sunday, September 9, 2012

its the memory which never fade...


Yesterday was a memory
there are a lot stories to be told
couldn't find time to dig it
i just want to hear some explanation
so that i could have let it go 
with open mind and heart
but our mouth just shut up
couldn't open,
till now
i couldn't close our chapter in a proper way
my mind n heart reluctant to accept
any reason that i created myself.

Yesterday i sleep with our memory
today i wake up with the memory still in my mind
'memory' u look good, safe n healthy :)
nothing much i want 
looking u happy with ur life now
 my du'a is always there
hoping one day 
Allah give me sometimes
to know the reason behind everything.

p/s: jimiy... mommy met ur twin yesterday n he's find baby :')

lots of love,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Let us search for it :)


Alhamdulillah 22rd of Ramadan :) InsyaAllah 7 days more for us to celebrate Eid Fitri... I read something and i would like to share it here.. at least we can use it for  these last day of Ramadan..^^ Hopefully this Ramadan will bring us happiness and blissful life hereafter :)

1- Lailatul Qadar adalah waktu diturunkannya Al Qur’an

Ibnu ‘Abbas dan selainnya mengatakan, “Allah menurunkan Al Qur’an secara utuh sekaligus dari Lauhul Mahfuzh ke Baitul ‘Izzah yang ada di langit dunia. Kemudian Allah menurunkan Al Qur’an kepada Rasulullah -shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- tersebut secara terpisah sesuai dengan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi selama 23 tahun.” (Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 14: 403). Ini sudah menunjukkan keistimewaan Lailatul Qadar.

2- Lailatul Qadar lebih baik dari 1000 bulan

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ

“Malam kemuliaan itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan.” (QS. Al Qadar: 3). An Nakho’i mengatakan, “Amalan di lailatul qadar lebih baik dari amalan di 1000 bulan.” (Lihat Latho-if Al Ma’arif, hal. 341). Mujahid, Qotadah dan ulama lainnya berpendapat bahwa yang dimaksud dengan lebih baik dari seribu bulan adalah shalat dan amalan pada lailatul qadar lebih baik dari shalat dan puasa di 1000 bulan yang tidak terdapat lailatul qadar. (Zaadul Masiir, 9: 191). Ini sungguh keutamaan Lailatul Qadar yang luar biasa.

3- Lailatul Qadar adalah malam yang penuh keberkahan.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُنْذِرِينَ

“Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkannya pada suatu malam yang diberkahi dan sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang memberi peringatan.” (QS. Ad Dukhon: 3). Malam penuh berkah ini adalah malam ‘lailatul qadar’ dan ini sudah menunjukkan keistimewaan malam tersebut, apalagi dirinci dengan point-point selanjutnya.

4- Malaikat dan juga Ar Ruuh -yaitu malaikat Jibril- turun pada Lailatul Qadar.

Keistimewaan Lailatul Qadar ditandai pula dengan turunnya malaikat. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا

“Pada malam itu turun malaikat-malaikat dan malaikat Jibril” (QS. Al Qadar: 4)

Banyak malaikat yang akan turun pada Lailatul Qadar karena banyaknya barokah (berkah) pada malam tersebut. Karena sekali lagi, turunnya malaikat menandakan turunnya berkah dan rahmat. Sebagaimana malaikat turun ketika ada yang membacakan Al Qur’an, mereka akan mengitari orang-orang yang berada dalam majelis dzikir -yaitu majelis ilmu-. Dan malaikat akan meletakkan sayap-sayap mereka pada penuntut ilmu karena malaikat sangat mengagungkan mereka. (Lihat Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 14: 407)

Malaikat Jibril disebut “Ar Ruuh” dan dispesialkan dalam ayat karena menunjukkan kemuliaan (keutamaan) malaikat tersebut.

5- Lailatul Qadar disifati dengan ‘salaam’

Yang dimaksud ‘salaam’ dalam ayat,

سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْر

“Malam itu (penuh) kesejahteraan sampai terbit fajar” (QS. Al Qadr: 5) yaitu malam tersebut penuh keselamatan di mana setan tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa di malam tersebut baik berbuat jelek atau mengganggu yang lain. Demikianlah kata Mujahid (Lihat Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 14: 407). Juga dapat berarti bahwa malam tersebut, banyak yang selamat dari hukuman dan siksa karena mereka melakukan ketaatan pada Allah (pada malam tersebut). Sungguh hal ini menunjukkan keutamaan luar biasa dari Lailatul Qadar.

6- Lailatul Qadar adalah malam dicatatnya takdir tahunan

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ

“Pada malam itu dijelaskan segala urusan yang penuh hikmah” (QS. Ad Dukhan: 4). Ibnu Katsir dalam kitab tafsirnya (12: 334-335) menerangkan bahwa pada Lailatul Qadar akan dirinci di Lauhul Mahfuzh mengenai penulisan takdir dalam setahun, juga akan dicatat ajal dan rizki. Dan juga akan dicatat segala sesuatu hingga akhir dalam setahun. Demikian diriwayatkan dari Ibnu ‘Umar, Abu Malik, Mujahid, Adh Dhohak dan ulama salaf lainnya.

Namun perlu dicatat -sebagaimana keterangan dari Imam Nawawi rahimahullah­ dalam Syarh Muslim (8: 57)- bahwa catatan takdir tahunan tersebut tentu saja didahului oleh ilmu dan penulisan Allah. Takdir ini nantinya akan ditampakkan pada malikat dan ia akan mengetahui yang akan terjadi, lalu ia akan melakukan tugas yang diperintahkan untuknya.

7- Dosa setiap orang yang menghidupkan malam ‘Lailatul Qadar’ akan diampuni oleh Allah

Dari Abu Hurairah, dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, beliau bersabda,

مَنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ

“Barangsiapa melaksanakan shalat pada malam lailatul qadar karena iman dan mengharap pahala dari Allah, maka dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu akan diampuni.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1901)

Ibnu Hajar Al Asqolani mengatakan bahwa yang dimaksud ‘iimaanan’ (karena iman) adalah membenarkan janji Allah yaitu pahala yang diberikan (bagi orang yang menghidupkan malam tersebut). Sedangkan ‘ihtisaaban’ bermakna mengharap pahala (dari sisi Allah), bukan karena mengharap lainnya yaitu contohnya berbuat riya’. (Lihat Fathul Bari, 4: 251)[1]

Credit to : ILoveAllah.com

Lot of loves,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It had been a year since...


Subhanallah.. time flies so fast :') it has been a year since i had left UM to stay in Klang.. but now it just only one day left before me n my friends have to go back to UM to continue our study there.. we will be taking our Final Phase IIIA Examination soon... yup very soon i really mean it...huhu... please do pray for us okay =) 

Through out one year, many things had happened to me... many things had changed :') i learnt to become wiser n stronger here...alone without family around..each day had to survived by myself with the support of friends..yup i succeed.. its a yeayyy for me.. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah :) and what my mother always told me " Adik dah besar.. adik boleh go trough semua ni.. ini la kehidupan sebenar sayang" and she will smile at me. She did give me some spirit to move on. After a very painful fall..yup its really painful and sometimes at that particular time i felt that i couldn't stand up back after that fall.. deep down inside..it kill me slowly.. at that time only Allah knows how it felt. 

First, the broken up things.. i know its Allah work not us..and i also didn't blame anyone in this matter because i know everyone has its own reason in making choices..it just that at that time i have to face it by myself and the people keep asking me the same question why n why n why and another thing to reorganized my life back to be single from relationship..it takes time..it takes many people to make me believed that it happens for a reason... Alhamdulillah now i regain my spirit back.. regain strength to do anything or going anywhere by myself rather than had to be dependent to other people especially during my couple time (i think i am too dependent to him at that time) Now i want to focus in my study and also to my family.. they said family dont have 'END' when everything those. One day InsyaAllah.. Allah will grant me with a very lovely husband that accept me who i am and will teach me anything that i do not know :) i belief in fates.

Secondly, i lost my grandmother :'( its realllyyyyyyyyy a sad thing for me T_T to loss the one that i love so much.. and to know that i am no longer able to see her anymore every time i come back to my hometown. I never think that she will leave me as early as this.. she never had chance to see me in my wedding dress and to be a special guest on my wedding day.. yup before this she always told me that she was very excited to see the one and only grandchild that she love the most in her wedding dress and to attend her wedding day.. But i know.. Allah is a very good planner.. Allah takes my grandma from us but He did relief my grandma's pain in which she had to bare for a very quite long time already.. she used to be the strongest woman i ever know who was good in hiding her own pain... and when im thinking about that.. it made me feel relief.. My grandma safe and happy up there.. InsyaAllah.. Amin ^^

I hope the sad things ends here and i belief Allah has planned a great thing for me ahead :) InsyaAllah.. Not to forget do pray for our safe journey going back to UM this Sunday.. Amin 

lots of loves,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up (Lyric Video)


U can change many things..but one thing u cant.. the MEMORIES remain.. Ya Allah how i wish my last relationship will be the last battle for me...but it ends this way... we r going far away from each other.. act like we never knew one another..that's the pain that we had to paid.. i don't blame anyone because i know Allah is planning another great thing for me :) n Alhamdulillah everything just going fine now... but how i wish that someone who will do the same thing like in this song was 'him' the one would i expect to be my last battle but  somehow in the middle i realized my expectation was to high.. he never could reach it.. leave me with the promises :') but im so thankful.. u taught me how to be strong.. and made me realized not every single thing that we want we would get it.. its a lesson for us to prepare for our own future :)

I just love this song.. im so amazed with the strength of the love they have :)

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

lots of loves,
zierahanie :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

so cute!!! ^^


KNOW WHAT... The reason why people hold on to memories so tight is because that's/they are the only thing that doesn't change when everything else does.

yup people do/does change
the memories never fade ^^

lots of loves,
zierahanie :)


lol =p

Monday, May 14, 2012

happy Mother's Day :)


Happy Monday guys :) weekend finished so soon.. that's mean new journey in my life begin today :) i'll miss the kids so much.. :') now i think i know where would i go when i stressed up with my life..those kiddos will surely can make me smile when there's nothing goes the way i want...yeah i really should be thankful of that.. Alhamdulillah for such wonderful life that He had planned for me ^^ ... n also i would like to thank to Allah for giving me such a precious n most lovable person in the world :) my Mom.. tq for everything.. nothing else i wanted most other than to have my mom by my side during sadness or in my happiness :) Tq again for everything 


Mother, the most beautiful person on this earth. Our best critic, yet our strongest supporter.
A mother is defined literally as a parent of the female gender. Characteristics of a mother include a person who protects, loves, cherishes, sacrifices, teaches, and works hard to provide the best upbringing possible for her children. From the time a mother has a child in the womb, they endure lots of changes to their bodies, and the overall lives they live, and usually endure a tremendous amount of pain during the actual birth of their child(ren).

A mother's touch is something that is very hard to duplicate, and is something that everyone can use and love when they are growing up. We need to be sure to celebrate our mothers, and let them know that we will forever be grateful for all of the things, the sacrifice, the pain, and the love that they have given to us. Never take having a mother for granted, because not everyone is lucky enough to have one in their lives. Treat your mother just as special as she really is, as one in a million.

lots of loves,
zierahanie :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

you left so soon :'(



Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me

I still can hear your voice calling out my name
And I remember all the stories you told me
I miss the time you were around (x2)
But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you
‘Cause I know life won’t last forever

You went so soon, so soon
You left so soon, so soon
I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long
I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong
I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard
I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone
Gone so soon

Night and day, I still feel you are close to me

And I remember you in every prayer that I make
Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy
But life is not the same, and it will never be the same
But I’m so thankful for every memory I shared with you
‘Cause I know this life is not forever

There were days when I had no strength to go on

I felt so weak and I just couldn’t help asking: “Why?”
But I got through all the pain when I truly accepted
That to God we all belong, and to Him we’ll return.

This picture is during Eid of 2010.. now i realized..there r no pictures of us with my late grandma for last year Eid because at that time she did not want to join us for the taking pictures ceremony T_T she said just continue without me, im so old for taking pictures n everything :') no atok u'r always young as ever..ur strength n courage has inspired me so much :') love u n i miss u so much T_T no one can replace u.. they always said 'patah tumbuh hilang berganti' but for me no one can be like u...no one can protect n take care of me during my childhood as great as u do...n no one can give full package of love n attention for me as much as u do besides emak n ayah... :) Alhamdulillah...im thankful to God because giving me chances to feel all that things with my atok :))  insyaAllah Jannah for u atok.. rest in peace there.. till we met again one fine day :')

lots of loves,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Secret ^^


Morning guys happy weekend :)  time flies so fast...tomorrow i'll driving up to Segamat for my CRP ( community reach program ) pls do du'a for my safe journey...Amin :) n i realized something..it almost 5 months from that date.. Alhamdulillah i've gone through all this n happy with my life now.. ^^ i've always remember what my mom said "ajal maut jodoh ketentuan tu semua datang dari Allah, we as a human hanya boleh berdoa n berusaha utk dpt yg terbaik yg telah Allah janjikan" thats word make me woke up from my long day dream n make a move ^^ something better had been promised for me..i just have to find out what is it :) 

but after this let it be secret
only me n God knows what the thing is in my <3 
i learnt from my mistakes
there is a thing that we cant share 
with anybody
the truth comes :)

it is the best decision :)

lots of loves,
zierahanie :)